When you have a budget, you have to be strategic about how you spend your money. Do you want to get the most bang for your buck by purchasing several lower priced items? Do you put a huge chunk towards a pricier item you otherwise wouldn't splurge on? Decisions, decisions. . .
I've been wanting to learn more about skincare and really get into a full-on routine. In the end I decided on a happy medium. . .one skincare item and one beauty item.
I purchased the Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm, which I hope to review in a few weeks after giving it a full chance to work its magic. . .which it better!
I had also heard a lot about Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks. I picked up the color Bachelorette, but I was in a rush. This means, I quickly swatched the color on my hand, decided "Yes!" and ran to the register to pay. Once I got outside in the sunshine, I looked at my hand and thought, "Hmmm. . . that looks just like All Fired Up by MAC."
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Wearing All Fired Up |
I didn't have it on me at that moment to compare, but every time I looked down at my hand for the next two hours I kept thinking, "I really did buy the EXACT SAME COLOR by another company and with the same matte finish."
So. . .what do you do when you keep buying the same color?
- Recognize that you LOVE that color! If you are continually drawn to the same color it is for a reason, my friend!
- If you can get it in various textures and want them, do so! I love that rich magenta fuchsia brightness that All Fired Up and Bachelorette deliver. The only problem is that they are both matte. I don't need two of the same color in the same texture. Now, if Bachelorette were a gloss or creme, I would be all over that.
- Make the necessary returns. Here's the thing. . .I really hate making returns and I know many of you who feel the same way. Exchanges, however, are right up my alley! I love switching out something you don't want/need for something else you are drooling over. Don't stress about it: that's what return policies are for!
So I will be heading to Sephora sometime this week (I didn't even take it out of the bag, so I don't feel quite so bad) to exchange it for something equally exciting. Stay tuned!
What do you find yourself repeatedly purchasing? Tweet me @buzzwithkee or share your Instagram photos with me @thebeautybuzzwithkee.
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